Pre-bid meeting: AMC of 10 Nos of 1 MW Inverters at 10 MW Grid Connected Ground Mounted Solar PV Project at Badi Sid, Rajasthan

With reference to the Tender Document for "Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for a period of 05 Years for 10 Nos of 1 MW Solar Inverters (FIMER make) installed at 10 MW (AC) Solar PV Plant at Badi Sid, Rajasthan of Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), New Delhi" issued, the pre-bid meeting will be conducted through video-conferencing on the Microsoft Teams Platform.

GeM ID: GEM/2023/B/4240493

Tender ID on CPPP: 2023_SECI_735223_1

Date of pre-bid meeting (to be conducted online): 30-11-2023 (1500 hrs.)

Prospective bidders interested in participating in the meeting may intimate the names and email ids of respective participants, by mailing them to, by 29.11.2023 at the latest.

SECI may limit the number of participants from each organization to 2 (two), given limitations on the Teams platform.

Online meeting will be held through video-conferencing on the Microsoft Teams Platform and the same can be attended using the following link:


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